For organisations, authorities, foundations and associations
You want to ...
plan a scientific study for your organization to gain well-founded facts for your topic that you can then introduce to politics and the public?
write well-structured and articulate texts for your studies that can be easily used for public relations?
prepare scientific facts in an comprehensible way in order to communicate them better?
your texts professionally proofread?
My consultancy ...
offers professional support in the conception and tendering of scientific studies in the social sciences.
helps you to create exposés to acquire third-party funding.
enables the optimal textual presentation of scientific results, so that you can use them easily for public relations.
supports you in writing articulate texts.
Text types and disciplines...
Scientific studies
Texts for websites and publications
Theses (bachelor, master) and dissertations (PhD)
Research proposal
Applications for scholarships and research funds
Journal articles and other academic publications
for all social science disciplines (political science, communication science, media studies, cultural studies, sociology, etc.) as well as for other disciplines upon consultation
for texts in German and English
Sie wollen mehr wissen?
Für Organisationen, Behörden, Stiftungen und Verbände
Für Sachbuchautorinnen und Sachbuchautoren
Für Studierende und Promovierende