You want to ...
reflect and systematically evaluate your work?
get a comprehensive, scientifically sound evaluation?
know if your public relations work achieves its goals?
know what your key stakeholders think of your work?
My evaluations ...
give you the opportunity to reflect on the work of your organization and to improve it based on the knowledge gained.
are based on individual evaluation concepts with clear evaluation questions.
are oriented on the standards of the DeGEval - Society for Evaluation.
are flexible and creative.
deliberately deviate from classic market research.
use logical models and specific data collection.
value participation.
are tailored to your goals and the available resources.
Topics ...
public relations, internal communication
individual projects or programs
websites, use of new media etc.
evaluation of existing information and data
database research
evaluation of media reports
collection of data using methods of qualitative empirical social research (e.g. expert and stakeholder interviews, participant observation, surveys, content analyses, media resonance analyses) etc.